Report Builders

Reports is an interactive graphical interface designed to facilitate data analysis and is based on the GOR language. The Reports tab opens by default when the Sequence Miner application is opened from the Clinical Sequence Analyzer (CSA) dashboard, displaying a grid which lists all available report modules.

To open any one of the modules in Sequence Miner, click on the module in the grid. The grid can be sorted according to the category/type of module.

Using Report Builders

The Reports tab contains a set of predefined report modules, also known as report builders, which can be used to parameterize a variety of different types of reports. There are over forty different modules currently available which target variant and gene annotation, Mendelian inheritance analysis, and cohort analysis use cases.

The Reports tab displays all available report builders as tiles. Clicking on a tile opens the selected report builder in a new tab, where input parameters can be edited to run the report.

Saving favorites

To save a report builder to your favorites, toggle the star icon in the upper right-hand corner of the selected report builder tile. To show only your favorite report builders, toggle the star icon next to the search bar.


Clicking the star icon on a report adds it to your favourites

Reordering and undocking tabs

To reorder open tabs in the Sequence Miner window, click on a tab and drag it to a new location.

To undock a tab from the window, by right-click on the tab title and select Undock. To redock the tab into Sequence Miner, close the undocked window.


Right-click the tab title to undock

Renaming tabs

Tabs can be renamed by right-clicking the tab title and selecting Set Title.


In the Set title dialog, enter a new title and click OK. Tab titles can include alphanumeric and underscore characters only.


Generating reports

When you have completed the form associated with any report, the Create Report button changes color from grey to light blue, indicating that you have entered sufficient input arguments to run the report. Click the button to generate the report.


Button changes color when sufficient data has been entered

Cancer Reports

The table below shows a list of the available report builders in Sequence Miner in the Cancer category with a short description of each. Note that Cancer modules are included only in selected installations of Sequence Miner and that your setup may be different.

A list of available Cancer report modules in Sequence Miner

Module Title


Cancer QC and statistics

Calculates and reports variant statistics for tumor samples

CNV analyzer

Annotates and summarizes copy number variation (CNV) calls from the CNVkit caller for tumor samples

Differential expression analysis using edgeR

Determine differentially expressed genes between two or more groups of samples

Gene association cancer

Gene-aggregated variant analysis

Methylation summary

Provides the methylation status of samples at the individual probe level, gene level, or transcript level

mRNA summary

Provides expression sequencing data information for samples

miRNA summary

Provides miRNA expression sequencing data information for samples

Mutational signatures

Count variants per VEP category

Sample map - TCGA

Map samples across different data types available in the TCGA multi-omic dataset

Tumor mutation analysis

Counts the number of heterozygous, homozygous, and compound heterozygous variants in case and control subjects that pass filtering parameters

Tumor mutation burden

Generate input table for statistical tools

Case/Control Reports

The table below shows a list of the available report builders in Sequence Miner in the Case/Control category with a short description of each.

A list of available CaseControl report modules in Sequence Miner

Module Title


Create Case/Control Grid

Generate a case-control grid from sets of subjects, for one or more phenotypes.


GWAS analysis performed for the selected gene(s) or variant input, using genotypes from the selected freeze dataset.

Gene analysis

Count variants and variants in gene for a cohort.

Gene association

Gene-aggregated variant analysis.

Gene count

Count variants per VEP category.


In a set of cases and controls, identify the count of ref, het, hom, and NA genotypes.


In a set of cases and controls, given a list of alleles (defined by variant or gene input), list the genotype for each individuals in each case/control category.


Generate input table for statistical tools.

Recessive analysis

Count the number of heterozygous, homozygous, and compound heterozygous variants in case and control subjects that pass filtering parameters.

Sequence Kernel Association Test (SKAT)

Evaluate the effect of variants on continuous or dichotomous traits using the sequence kernel association test (SKAT).


This report performs association tests between genotypes and a phenotype using the SKAT R package.

Single point regression

Apply linear or logistic regression to quantify the relationship between specified variants and phenotypic data.


This report performs association tests between genotypes and phenotype(s) using the generalized linear model, which accepts continuous (e.g. glucose, IQ) as well as binary (e.g. case/control) variables.

Variant association

Single variant case-control association using Fisher Exact.

Variant association ExAC (WES)

Single variant case-control association using Fisher Exact for multiplicative (mm), recessive (rc), and dominant (dc) genetic models, using the Exome Aggregation Consortium (ExAC) database as controls.

Variant count

Count variants in a cohort.

Comments Reports

The table below shows a list of the available report builders in Sequence Miner in the Comments category with a short description of each.

A list of Comment report modules in Sequence Miner

Module Title



Internal annotations

Comments Reports

List variants with comments in local knowledgebase

Related comments

Comments Reports

Comments related to PN and gene

Gene Reports

The table below shows a list of the available report builders in Sequence Miner in the Gene category with a short description of each.

A list of available Gene report modules in Sequence Miner

Module Title


Annotate genes from list

Cross-reference a report with a gene list

Gene carrier report

Find carriers of variants in a genelist

Gene ontology association

Quantify the association between a list of genes and categories in the Gene Ontology (GO) database

Gene ontology to genes

Gene associated with Gene Ontology (GO) codes

Gene/protein ID converter

Maps/converts gene and protein IDs from reference source to all others and provide gene/protein names and IDs in a set of user-provided genomic regions

Genes to paralogs

Generate a report listing all paralogs of genes in a list

Genes to pathways

Maps list of genes to corresponding pathway(s)

Paralog disease annotation

Annotate variants with the disease(s) associated with genes and their paralogs

Pathways to genes

Maps selected pathway(s) to a set of related genes in the same pathway(s)

Inheritance Reports

The table below shows a list of the available report builders in Sequence Miner in the Inheritance category with a short description of each.

A list of available Inheritance report modules in Sequence Miner

Module Title



Preconception disease gene carrier analysis for parents

De novo/CHZ for trios

Trio de novo variant analysis and annotation

Mendelian analysis

Single index case Mendelian disease analysis

Multi-family Mendelian analysis

Zygosity analysis for cases versus controls

Quality Control (QC)

The table below shows a list of the available report builders in Sequence Miner in the Quality Control (QC) category with a short description of each.

A list of available QC report modules in Sequence Miner

Module Title


Exon coverage

Calculate the exon coverage for one or more subjects using Ensembl transcripts

Gene coverage

Calculate the gene coverage for one or more subjects

Sample QC and statistics

Calculate quality statistics for multiple subjects

Sex check

Check the sex of the samples


Calculate the kinship of individuals

Variant QC and statistics

Generate a variant summary for subject(s)

Samples Reports

The table below shows a list of the available report builders in Sequence Miner in the Samples category with a short description of each.

A list of available Samples report modules in Sequence Miner

Module Title


Create Case/Control Grid

Generate a case-control grid from sets of subjects, for one or more phenotypes.


Venn comparison among up to ten grids containing a first column of sample identifiers.

UKBB Reports

The table below shows a list of the available report builders in Sequence Miner in the UKBB category with a short description of each.

A list of available UKBB report modules in Sequence Miner

Module Title



Produce covariate grids for use as input to subsequent analysis.


Finds records from genomic regions of interest with specified variant effect and p-value thresholds.


Search for relevant UKB fields and identify individuals with specific criteria for use as input to subsequent analysis.

Variant Reports

The table below shows a list of the available report builders in Sequence Miner in the Variant category with a short description of each.

A list of available Variants report modules in Sequence Miner

Module Title


Annotate variants

Annotate variants in selected genes

Annotate variants from file

Annotate variants with your own file

Compare GOR reports

Compare two reports


Convert the genomic positions from one genome build to another

Loss of heterozygosity

Identify regions of loss of heterozygosity

Overlapping variants

Count the variants within a gene list

Risk SNPs

Return SNP genotypes for rsIDs


Variant transcript effect

Venn variant analysis

Compare variant reports with Venn visualization